My name is Eric and I am an educator from Arizona.
I'm also just a guy who loves playing D&D. I am a player in one long-term campaign as well as a DM for two long-term campaigns. Most of the content I create here was used in my own games and I make available for others to enjoy.
For the most part, my content is available for free through PWYW. Everyone who wants to access the content should able to without any barriers. However, I won't object to anyone who enjoys the content to send a few bucks my way!
Well, it began as a funny bit in one of my campaigns. A group of friendly kobolds ran a martial arts and yoga studio. The players enjoyed it so much that it has become a running gag throughout the campaign, to the point where Kobold Kai franchises are starting to get established in various cities and towns. As such, it also seemed like a cool way to differentiate my brand within the TTRPG content creator space.
All of the content I make available was developed by me for my own campaigns. While I used to use AI for some of my personal content, I have since moved away from that practice and none of my content on this page uses it. I'm not the best artist or mapmaker. I am still learning. But I will include those if they are important to the resource. This, obviously, doesn't preclude you from using other art or maps (or anything) if it works better for your campaign. I just hope that you might find something here of use.
I DM for two 5e Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. As a result, most of my content will be related to those campaigns. So, let's talk about those briefly:
Campaign 1: This was a campaign for virtually all beginners, myself included. We started with the published adventure "Dragons of Stormwreck Isle" from one of the Starter Kits. When that adventure was finished, we continued in a mostly homebrew world. I find or create adventures and modify them to fit the story that is being told. Recently, the party has found themselves in a form of purgatory trying to complete a task. For that part, we actually shifted gears a bit and have been running the Ink RPG from Snowbright Studio. You'll likely see some unique content on this page related to Ink and my conversion to make it work in our 5e campaign.
Campaign 2: Recently I started as a volunteer DM at a local library. That started right around the time that I received my digital rewards for the "Dragon Town and the Darkness Below" Kickstarter from J.P. Coovert that I supported. It seemed like a great opportunity to run this new campaign. Dragon Town is a system neutral, rules light campaign. But, as mentioned, my experience is primarily with 5e. So, I make modifications to make the adventure fit in that system. So, the content I publish from this campaign will likely be my modifications I made to fit into that system.
I have really enjoyed running both of these campaigns and I highly encourage you to check out the Ink RPG and Dragon Town and the Darkness Below. They are both brilliant, fun products. You won't be disappointed. I also hope that you enjoy my humble offerings to help run them in your own campaign world!
Thank you for your interest.